Thrive and Rise

2025 Women's Retreat


January 1-3 - Start the new year focused on YOU!

Relax - Renew - Restore & Play!

You put in long hours. Go above and beyond. Make sure that everyone else's needs are taken care of first. Work your butt off to achieve success in your career/business, while somehow managing the bulk of responsibilities on the home front.

Congratulations, you've arrived at the corner of burnout and depletion!

It makes perfect sense you feel drained and wiped out; all your energy is going to everything and everyone else. The 24/7 grind is not healthy, sexy or sustainable.

Why do you keep your nervous system so charged up and what is it costing you?

YOU deserve a BREAK from BUSY and more joy and fun!

Register TODAY!!! Rise and Thrive Retreat.

Wed-Fri (JAN 1-3) at the Fabulous

Golden Hill Retreat in Coldspring, Texas

And the GREAT NEWS is...YOU don't have to fix, change or uplevel a damn thing!

It's as simple as Ditching the Hustle mindset and cultivating your thriving mentality!!!

It's time to Prioritize Yourself and rediscover the REAL YOU by slowing the F-down and hitting reset!

Access the Feminine energy and lead from your heart, discover a true sense of Freedom by ditching the doing and proving, discover your own rhythm and pace, and infuse more freaking Fun in your life, work and relationships.

My name is Wendy Lee and I'm on a mission to support women, like you, reclaim your inner LEADHER.

It's time to live a life and create a living YOU love and impact the world in revolutionary ways!


  • Slow mornings and guided meditation (Yes please!) allows you to connect with your intuition and calm your nervous system.
  • Shed the mask of proving and doing (OMG that takes so much energy) and show up as your true authentic self.  
  • Red light therapy, bio mats, and access to massage will help you relax so you can operate from a place of ease and lightness.

  • Targeted workshops will help you identify stories and patterns of people pleasing and perfectionism so you can let go of the need to have it all together.

  • A safe environment to fully express what’s in your heart and where you can be seen, heard and validated by others.
  • Meaningful and inspiring conversations where you can address the things you truly care about influencing, rather than small talk and busy.  
  • Learn how to develop trust for yourself, that allows trust of others and creates a flourishing environment, where you can actually work less and create more.
  • Play, silliness, dancing, and movement activities to release stuck energy and have more freedom in your body.

Over our 3 days together we’ll focus on 3 areas:  

Connect with your FEMININE POWER to create balance and alignment.  

  • Imagine what it might feel like to get out of your head and learn to lead from a heart-centered place. I Heart You!  
  • What would be available to you if you tapped into the feminine energy and relied on your intuition as a compass that drives your decisions and actions, instead of only operating from your masculine energy of doing and results. You Go Girl!  
  • What if being vulnerable really demonstrated your strength and courage and gives you and others the permission to be yourselves. The Big Reveal!  

Learn how healing and connection are the real paths to true FREEDOM. 

  • Learn how to show up as your authentic self without worrying about what others think about you. You Do You Girl!  
  • Make expressing feelings and emotions a norm in all areas of your life. You Feel Me!
  • Learn to speak your truth and find your authentic voice, even in uncomfortable situations. Truth Be Told!  

Discover how playfulness and FUN equal the true meaning of success.

  • Allow all areas of your life to operate from a sense of creativity vs. structure and processes. Go With the Flow!
  • Create fun and lightness at work and at home, where you, your colleagues, and friends and family can experience a sense of playfulness; not always feeling the need to be so serious. Lighten Up!

What's Included?

  • 3 days (and 2 nights) at a retreat center in nature. (for real grass, trees, and flowers y'all) The event space is by the Sam Houston National Park in the Piney Woods of Texas.
  • Nourishing, healthy chef-prepared meals for breakfast/lunch/dinner prepared on site. Coffee, tea, water.
  • Interactive workshops & transformational coaching.
  • Activities, movement, music, dancing. (Spontaneous dance party alert!)
  • Complimentary access to sauna, biomat, red light therapy (additional healing modalities and massage is available for an extra cost).
  • Egyptian Ancient Aroma Therapy Experience.

What's Not Included?

  • Lodging Rooms (see pricing below).
  • Airfare / Transporation to and from the Retreat Center.
  • Massages/Facials - option to book a massage/facial directly with the massage therapist/aesthetician. All fees are paid directly to the vendor. (Info to book/pay provided after you register).


Lodging is booked separately with Wendy, and is on a first-come/first-serve basis

Shared Bunk-House w/shared bathroom $40 per night

I prefer an adult summer camp feel with comfy bunks (15 single available)

Private Room w/shared bathroom $80/single occupancy or $120/double

I prefer my own space and don't mind sharing a bathroom (4 rooms available)

Private Room w/private bathroom $135/single occupancy or $150/double

I need my privacy and want my own room and bathroom (1 room available)


Grab this special pricing through September 15, 2024

$1350 plus

(lodging selection)


After September 15, 2024

$1650 plus

(lodging selection)

Don't miss out on this experience.

$$ Payment plan options available $$

Have questions about the retreat? I've got A's for Your Q's!

Contact Wendy directly: via email or hop on a Zoom call



I am a former HR Executive, International Speaker. Certified Transformation Coach and Retreat Leader, Best-Selling Author and the Founder & CEO of LeadHERship Revolution™


I was the queen of busy and burnout. As a corporate HR executive. I knew how to get things done and make SH!T happen.

My management loved my results, and I was liked by my team and employees. As a self-proclaimed people pleaser and perfectionist, I always went above and beyond and gave everything I had.

Oh, and of course I signed up for all the committees, boards, and volunteer groups, inside and outside of work.

On the home front I was the bread winner, decision maker, and took charge of most of the responsibilities.

Allow me to introduce you to my former self: Miss I can take care of it ALL BY MYSELF.

But even with all that overachieving, I still had this nagging sense that I could be doing more or better. Crazy right? I wanted to uber excel at everything I did. To the outside world I was killing it, but inside, I felt I was falling short. I was keeping busy with proving and doing and accomplishing but I wasn’t focused on the things that truly mattered to me. I was operating in survival mode.

I was out of balance.

At home I found myself, once again, in another failed relationship. My marriage was completely unbalanced. I felt I was taking responsibility for handling everything, running almost entirely on my masculine energy. Love and connection were totally missing, and I could not figure out a way to fix it - so I filed for divorce.

I felt alone, resentful and exhausted.

I was searching for something. My soul, with its infinite wisdom, led me to transformational leaders, then led me to transformational retreats; and I began to reconnect to myself. 

My life would never be the same.

I began to tune into my heart and get out of my head. l started to make working on myself a priority, and making the changes I needed in my personal life (including leaving my marriage). I was surprised by how my work and my home life began to change as I changed. I was able to show up in a different, real and vulnerable way; bringing my whole self to work and to all my relationships. And as I began to do the work, the changes were noticeable to me and everyone around me. 

I was becoming the real, authentic ME!

YOU are way more than just what you do!

What if it's actually less about WHAT we DO and more about the interactions and connections we CREATE?  

I have come to understand that we are divinely brought together, with the exact right people and situations in our lives, at the perfect time, for our collective personal growth and healing.

This is the magic of retreats!

"Connection and healing are the divine purpose of every interaction, and this is only possible when we start with ourselves

XOXO, Wendy Lee

Are you READY to experience the power of retreat?

Say YES to YOU and take the first step to transformation.

Rise and Thrive Retreat 2025

January 1-3 at the Golden Hill Retreat

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the price of the retreat cover?

Your registration fee includes 3 days and 2 nights of workshops and activities plus all meals.

***Masages/not specified healing services, lodging, airfare, and transportation to/from the retreat center is NOT included. Lodging/massage must be booked separately.

How do I book my room accommodations at Golden Hill Resort?

After you register for the retreat, you will be able to select and book your accommodations.

Contact Wendy directly: via email or hop on a Zoom call

Lodging options available on a first-come first-served basis. DON'T BOOK DIRECTLY THROUGH GOLDEN HILL.

Do I have to stay at the retreat venue?

Yes! This is an immersive retreat. Staying in the same space is part of the experience and so much more fun!

What if I have other questions?

Please feel free to email us at! We'll get back to you ASAP.


"Wendy taught me that no human can truly reach their full potential without the blessing of their own truth."  

“Wendy taught me that first, we must be honest with ourselves and that no human can truly reach their full potential without the blessing of their own truth. Her unmatched experience and insight allow her to offer a refreshing and positive perspective to almost any situation. I am truly grateful that Wendy came into my life, helped me to understand the balance between who we are at work and at home, and why those two really don’t have to be much different.”- Tamara Dunahoe, Galveston, TX

“Wendy has helped me see through my stories and provide advice that has helped me move forward in life."

“Wendy has helped me see through my stories and provide advice that has helped me move forward in life. Her warmth and willingness to share her own experiences has provided me with tools to help navigate some of my life challenges. She is someone that I trust and feel really lucky to have been able to work with her.” - Sandy Levin, Oklahoma City, OK

"She has not only changed my life for the better, but she has helped me to see how I can do the same for someone else."

“Let it be known that Wendy, a natural born leader, mentor and friend is a life changer. She has not only changed my life for the better, but she has helped me to see how I can do the same for someone else. Wendy leads with a genuine heart, mind and soul. She is empathetic towards others and can relate to anyone on the most sincere level. I cannot thank her enough for everything she has done for me and for all of her knowledge she has given me. I only wish to continue to make her proud and pass on what she has given me, to help others. Because of her, I am a better me. Cheers to anyone who has the privilege of connecting with Wendy; you will soon know what I know.” - Amalia Maes, Houston, TX

Reconnect with who you REALLY are!

Rise and Thrive Retreat 2025

January 1-3 (WED-FRI)